jeudi 1 avril 2010



From Wikipedia

Cotopaxi the highest active volcanoes in the world at 19,348ft (5897m) are located at the center of the most visited national park on the Ecuadorian mainland. Located 1 ½ to 2 hours south of Quito on the eastern flank of the Andes, Cotopaxi offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities including mountaineering, hiking, birding, horseback riding, camping and mountain biking.


For centuries the native people of the area worshiped Cotopaxi as a god. Foundations of homes built near the Rio Pita are evidence of the pre-Hispanic cattle herders in the area. The ruins show evidence of platforms built to worship the mighty mountain. These people also realized the strength and strategic position the mountain offered them by building fortresses high its flanks. El Saitre was built to control the passage into the area. As the Incas arrived in the area they too worshiped the mountain and built fortresses to control the surrounding area.

Much of the mountain's history surrounds its volcanic activity. Records indicate that in 1534 the conquistadors engaged in a war with the locals for control of what is now Ecuador. During a battle on the flanks of Cotopaxi the mountain began to erupt. The locals viewed this as a sign from their god and ran off in fear. The Spanish unused to volcanic activity and seeing the reaction of the locals ran off in terror.

Since the Spanish first experience with the fury of Cotopaxi there have been many eruptions. The most famous occurred in June of 1877. Smoke from the volcano could be seen from Quito to Latacunga. Ash filled the skies and covered the countryside all the way to Machachi. As the lava poured out of the crater it melted the glacial ice and created lahars (avalanches of mud) that sped down the mountain reeking havoc along the way. Much of the neighboring countryside was buried as a wave of mud cascaded over it. The city of Latacunga was demolished it's residents unable to escape were buried alive. The lahars continued with such a magnitude that within an 18-hour period the mudflows had reached the Pacific Coast town of Esmeraldes. Much of the countryside of the Sierras still show signs of that devastating flow.


Temperatures on Cotopaxi vary little throughout the year. The average daytime temperature is 45°F (7°C). Seasonal variations and night-time temperatures range the temperatures between freezing and 68°F (20°C). Visitors to the Park are recommended to bring several layers of clothes including a warm sweater and protective rain-wind jacket, hat and gloves.

The rainy seasons run between January and May and October and November. The main dry season of June to September though the strong winds are known to occur. December also has a short dry season and the time around Christmas is normally considered the best weather of the year.

In general the best weather (least chance of rain or cloudy skies) is around the full moon. Climbers are recommended to plan assents around the full moon whenever possible.

The vegetation changes with the altitude and when we reach 11,500ft (3500m) we find arboreal species like Pumamaqui (Oreopanax s.p.p.), Quishar or "God's tree", Mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum) and Romerillo (Hypericum laricifolium).

In the Lake Limpio Pungo area there are many birds, especially the Galleteras, ducks, Andean Gull and Sparrow hawks. The rocky volcano Rumiñahui is one of the areas known for condors.

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