lundi 30 août 2010

SEO Habits Are Changing For Upcoming Businesses

Business that comes directly from websites, as well as internet advertising, is taking over all other forms of marketing and the competition is heavy. As a result of this many companies are increasing their budget for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. Whereas this was often done in-house, many businesses recognise the need for this to be carried out by professionals to give them the best possible chance of beating the competition in the rankings war.

A study carried out by E-consultancy alongside neutralize - a search marketing agency - have shown that out-sourcing the SEO work and increasing spending on it, is a trend that a whopping sixty three per cent of companies intend to follow. With nine per cent of the companies surveyed spending more than 1 pounds million a year on paid search tactics and one in six investing a minimum of 50,000 pounds on SEO, this is truly big business and promises to continue growing.

Spending on internet advertising rose by thirty per cent in 2007 to 2.6 pounds billion and is head and shoulders above all other forms of advertising.

The study from E-consultancy on the SEO habits of 1,000 companies has culminated in a fifty five page report detailing company habits between February and March 2008. Apart from showing an increase in companies willing to outsource their SEO commitments, the report also shows that eighty six per cent of the organisations surveyed are paying to appear on Google's sponsored links and Yahoo's customers have jumped from forty five per cent to forty nine per cent for the same reason.

The report is good news for SEO companies but company bosses would be well advised to choose their provider carefully. Get in a cowboy company and this will do untold damage to your business, in the worst case scenario even getting your website banned from Google.

Some SEO companies will use tactics to push a website up the listings that are wholly unethical. This will bring about a temporary fix but as soon as Goggle pick up on it, your website will be dropped dramatically.

Keyword stuffing is one of the biggest issues that upsets Google and it is important that SEO companies find a balance between using the right keywords the right amount of times, leading to naturally readable content.

SEO companies hire professional writers to deal with content. Writing content for optimisation is a slightly different concept than your average writing techniques. It involves careful planning using keywords relevant to your site and finding a balance between these and the ones that are most often searched for to bring your site to the top of the rankings.

This becomes harder when the terms are generic and this is where an SEO company comes into its own. Using a combination of correctly worded meta data, well written content, linking and article writing, SEO companies will have tools at their disposal to ensure everything is specifically aimed to your site that the general company might not have.

When you know you have a product that works and a well written website it can be frustrating to not be getting the traffic from it that you think you deserve. This can be put right with efficient SEO tactics that are completely above board, that work within Google's limits and put your website higher up the listings, generating extra business for you and helping your company to thrive.

Always beware, when searching for an SEO company, that you do not fall for statements that promise to put you at the top of the search engines. Any SEO company worth your money will tell you that this is a constantly changing system and guarantees are not possible. An on-going campaign by a reputable SEO company will soon bring the results that you need.

About the Author:

SEO expert Catherine Harvey looks at the trends influencing SEO businesses.

Shanny Fournier
Ultimatum Media inc.

vendredi 27 août 2010

Hiking Boots - What To Look For In One!

The best hiking boots is what you should be searching for. Different brands of hiking boots are available in the market nowadays. Some of the branded boots are not meant for trail. You should never compromise on quality when buying hiking boots. Or else you may even have some brand in mind for your hiking shoes which you may opt to buy for hiking.

It does not matter which brand you are buying but quality should be given extreme importance. Keep the use of these hiking boots in mind and the quality which is required for the best results. There are different options available for you to get the best quality possible with the cheapest price.

Important Features to Look for:

Think of the expectations you will have from your hiking boots, in which way they should be best to suit your requirements. Whether they should be durable, or comfortable or good looking, or all of these. And which company do you thing will offer you all this. Do bit of research online .Your hiking boots need to be able to withstand rough terrain, slippery surfaces, rocks and also the mud.

Definetely you would want your boots to be able to go through all this and also not be damaged .Also your hiking boots should be comfortable enough for you to move easily, therefore they should not be too heavy. The hiking boots should also give stability while movement. The combination of all these important features should be there in a hiking boot for you to land on buying best hiking boots.

The most important feature you should always look for in a hiking boot is how well it fits your feet. Now to get the best hiking boots you do not have to go to a professional to get the measurements of your feet. You can do all this yourself buy trying on few before you make up your mind to purchase it. The hiking boots with the right fit will fulfill your needs you desire in your hiking boots. These hiking boots should support your hips and back to help you to go up and down the
trail without any problems and without causing any aches in your body.

You can also get your hiking boots customized from the manufacturer.

When getting your hiking boots customized, keep the quality a major point for consideration. Also find out from your family and friends to find out that which brand or company make hiking shoes have got good reputation in the market and are also popular among the general campers.

A good quality hiking boots will last for years together in all types of conditions during hiking. Check the boot by flipping it over to see its make. Bend these hiking boots back and forth a bit to find out whether they are with hard sole or soft. After you try them on your feet, see if they are heavy or light on you. The hiking boots should be comfortable enough and well designed.

If your are planning to find the best hiking boots and also keeping price and brand into consideration ,you may have to do lot of research to land with this kind of desired deal. You may consider looking for discounted sales in sports shops to get your good quality hiking boots. These types of sales are usually on during off season. From a discounted sale you may get your brand and also at a reasonable price.

About the Author:

Abhishek is a Camping freak! Visit his website and download his FREE Camping Report "Camping With The Family: How To Have A Safe, Fun, And Inexpensive Vacation" and learn some amazing Camping tips and tricks for FREE. Learn how to have the perfect vacation on a shoe-string budget. But hurry, only limited Free copies available !

jeudi 19 août 2010


Une semi-remorque est une remorque routière destinée au transport de marchandises dont la particularité est qu'elle repose sur un ou plusieurs essieux à l'arrière et sur le véhicule tracteur à l'avant par l'intermédiaire d'une plateforme appelée sellette, de sorte que le tracteur supporte une partie notable du poids de la remorque et de son chargement. La semi-remorque, lorsqu'elle est dételée s'appuie au sol par l'intermédiaire de deux béquilles qui peuvent être commandées hydrauliquement, mais qui sont, pour des raisons de simplicité mécanique et de coût d'entretien, la plupart du temps commandées manuellement (par une manivelle jointe à un engrenage commandant une crémaillère).

Baisser ou bien remonter manuellement les béquilles lors de l'accrochage ou du décrochage d'une semi-remorque prend 3 à 4 minutes par opposition à quelques secondes avec un système hydraulique.

Par abus de langage, on appelle aussi semi-remorque (terme masculin) l'ensemble formé par le tracteur et la remorque. Cet ensemble s'appelle officiellement véhicule articulé. Il existe de nombreux types et dimensions de semi-remorques, selon le genre de transport à effectuer.

Ultimatum Media


Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

mardi 17 août 2010

Mount Everest: An Exhilarating Adventure (part 1)

By: Christa Kowalczyk

Mount Everest is regarded as the Earth's highest mountain. The first publicized height of the renowned Mount Everest was established by India's Great Trigonometric Survey. This was in the year 1856 and with an estimated height of approximately 29,002 feet or 8,840 meters.

Mount Everest is regarded as the Earth's highest mountain. It is being measured according to its summit's height above sea level. This is actually around 29,029 feet or 8,848 meters. Aside from this, Mount Everest is also indicated as a portion of the acclaimed Himalaya range along High Asia, located just within the borders of Tibet in China and Sagarmatha Zone in Nepal.

Moreover, the first publicized height of the renowned Mount Everest was established by India's Great Trigonometric Survey. This was in the year 1856 and with an estimated height of approximately 29,002 feet or 8,840 meters. This is amidst the fact that Mount Everest was recognized as "Peak XV" at that time. It was only during the year 1865 when it was given its official name in English as "Mount Everest". This was implemented via the so-called Royal Geographical Society, upon the recommendation of India's British Survey General at that time, Andrew Waugh. Since, during his time Tibet and Nepal were closed for foreigners, Andrew Waugh was not able to have a local name proposed. This is amidst the fact that the Tibetans have used the name "Chomolungma" for centuries already.

Furthermore, during the latter part of 2007 or the climbing season, the ascents towards the summit were reported to have reached approximately 3,679 by about 2,436 individuals. Due to this, there were reported cases of not more than 210 deaths in Mount Everest. In fact, the conditions were so difficult most corpses were already left as is and these corpses are often visible from the standard climbing trails.

The noted climbers of Mount Everest were relative novices to experienced mountaineers. These people still count on paid guides to help them get to the top. These surges of mountaineers to the region are actually a vital tourist revenue source in Nepal. This is apart from the requirement of the government to have every prospective climber pay more or less a $25,000 per person for the permit.

Thus, Mount Everest has areas that are included in the list of Death Zones. This is because of its altitude that is above 8,000 meters or 26,246 feet. It is very difficult to actually survive in these areas. The temperature can go down to super low levels, causing frostbite to any part of the body that gets exposed in the air. Since the temperature becomes very low, snow is also frozen in particular areas, where in you can die by falling and slipping in such locations. Another potential threat is high winds as well.

Furthermore, at Mount Everest’s top part, the so-called atmospheric pressure is actually the sea level pressure's third portion. This means that there is only a third of oxygen breathable at such sea level. Last May 2007, a certain Caudwell Xtreme Everest made a study about the oxygen levels of a person's blood in extreme altitude. For this medical study, more than 200 volunteer climbers climbed towards the Everest Base Camp so as to be given medical tests with regards to the levels of blood oxygen in their body. Another team, a smaller group, also conducted tests while going towards the summit.

About the Author

For more information on Mount Everest please visit our website.

(ArticlesBase SC #468596)

Article Source: - Mount Everest: An Exhilarating Adventure

Ultimatum Media


Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

lundi 16 août 2010

Mount Everest Base Camp Trekking in Nepal

By: David Stevens

Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth as measured by the height of its summit above sea level. The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in Asia is located on the border between Nepal and Tibet, China. There had been 3,050 ascents to the summit by 2,062 individuals.

Climbers range from experienced mountaineers to relative novices who count on their paid guides to get them to the top. This means climbers are a significant source of tourist revenue for Nepal.

There are great trekking tours available which is available to anyone who can walk for a few hours per day. These tours start in Nepal in Kathmandu and are very popular.

Mt Everest has an undeniable ability to seduce Explorers, Travellers and Climbers alike. With its breathtaking views and fascinating Sherpa people there is something for everyone to guarantee the experience of a lifetime.

Mt. Everest, so called after the first person to record its height, Sir George Everest, translates in Nepalese and Tibetan as Goddess in the Sky and Mother Goddess of the Universe, demonstrating the immense respect and reverence that the locals have for this awesome mountain. It is 29,029 feet high but it rises a few centimetres each year due to the huge geological forces acting on it.

The weather you will experience on Everest is extreme and rather unpredictable so it is best to be prepared for all eventualities. Spring is the high season for trekking, but warmer weather can mean there is a larger cloud cover, which obscures many of the fantastic views that are part of this once in a lifetime trek. For those willing to brave the colder temperatures of autumn and winter this is not such a problem.

A large problem on Everest is that as you reach higher altitudes the oxygen content of the air dramatically decreases. At 20,000 feet there is only half as much oxygen in the air as you are used to and by the summit oxygen is reduced to only a one third.

There are two times of year when conditions are most favourable for a trek to Everest Base Camp, either in the pre-monsoon springtime or the post monsoon autumn. Although, it is possible to join Treks that run almost all year round.

The main problem experienced on Everest is altitude Sickness, this is definitely something to take seriously and to take precautions against. There is no way of telling how it will affect you until you are at high altitude.

The easiest and most effective way to limit the effects of altitude sickness is by ascending the mountain slowly and giving your body time to acclimatise to the height. Above 10,000 feet (Base camp is at 17,500) you should aim not climb more than 1000 feet per day.

You also need to stay warm and conserve as much energy as possible, drink water and above all listen to what your body is telling you, if you don not feel right don not push yourself to hard because you may push yourself out of the trek altogether.

Make sure you pick the right trip for you, make sure you give yourself time to acclimatise to the altitude even if that means flying out a few days before your trek starts.

The Sherpa people are invaluable in making any expedition to Everest whether it be to Base camp or even Summit. They will carry your gear, food, tents and it is important that they are respected. They take great pride in their Mountain Climbing Heritage and without them you will not finish the trek

Wether you join a trekking tour or climb all the way to the top, it will be an experience to treasure for a long time!

About the Author

For more info click her Trekking Tour Nepal Mount Everest or Trekking Tours in Nepal to Everest

(ArticlesBase SC #289775)

Article Source: - Mount Everest Base Camp Trekking in Nepal

Ultimatum Media


Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

jeudi 12 août 2010

Novelty of Carbon Dioxide and Rascality of Carbon Monoxide

By: Dr.Badruddin Khan

Carbon Dioxide is a colorless, odorless, and slightly acid-tasting gas, sometimes called carbonic acid gas, the molecule of which consists of one atom of carbon joined to two atoms of oxygen (CO2). It was called “fixed air” by the Scottish chemist Joseph Black, who obtained it through the decomposition of chalk and limestone and recognized that it entered into the chemical composition of these substances. The French chemist Antoine Lavoisier proved that it is an oxide of carbon by showing that the gas obtained by the combustion of charcoal is identical in its properties with the “fixed air” obtained by Black. Carbon dioxide is about 1.5 times as dense as air. It is soluble in water, 0.9 volume of the gas dissolving in 1 volume of water at 20° C (68° F).

Carbon dioxide is produced in a variety of ways: by combustion, or oxidation, of materials containing carbon, such as coal, wood, oil, or foods; by fermentation of sugars; and by decomposition of carbonates under the influence of heat or acids. Commercially, carbon dioxide is recovered from furnace or kiln gases; from fermentation processes; from reaction of carbonates with acids; and from reaction of steam with natural gas, a step in the commercial production of ammonia. The carbon dioxide is purified by dissolving it in a concentrated solution of alkali carbonate or ethanolamine and then heating the solution with steam. The gas is evolved and is compressed into steel cylinders. The atmosphere contains carbon dioxide in variable amounts, usually 3 to 4 parts per 10,000, and has been increasing by 0.4 percent a year. It is used by green plants in the process known as photosynthesis, by which carbohydrates are manufactured.

Carbon dioxide is used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3· OH2O (washing soda); sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3 (baking soda); and basic carbonate of lead, Pb3 (OH)2(CO3)2 (white lead). Dissolved under a pressure of 2 to 5 atmospheres, carbon dioxide causes the effervescence in carbonated beverages. Carbon dioxide does not burn and does not support ordinary combustion, and because of these properties it is used for extinguishing fires. The CO2 extinguisher is a steel cylinder filled with liquid carbon dioxide, which, when released, expands suddenly and causes so great a lowering of temperature that it solidifies into powdery “snow.” This snow volatilizes (vaporizes) on contact with the burning substance, producing a blanket of gas that cools and smothers the flame. Solid carbon dioxide, known as dry ice, is widely used as a refrigerant. Its cooling effect is almost twice that of water ice; its special advantages are that it does not melt as a liquid but turns into gas, and that it produces an inert atmosphere that reduces bacterial growth. The presence of carbon dioxide in the blood stimulates breathing. For this reason, carbon dioxide is added to oxygen or ordinary air in artificial respiration and to the gases used in anesthesia.

Carbon Monoxide is a chemical compound of carbon and oxygen with the formula CO. Carbon monoxide melts at -205°C (-337°F) and boils at -191.5°C (-312.7°F). It is a colorless, odorless gas, about 3 percent lighter than air, and is poisonous to all warm-blooded animals and to many other forms of life. When inhaled it combines with hemoglobin in the blood, preventing absorption of oxygen and resulting in asphyxiation. Carbon monoxide is formed whenever carbon or substances containing carbon are burned with an insufficient air supply. Even when the amount of air is theoretically sufficient, the reaction is not always complete, so that the combustion gases contain some free oxygen and some carbon monoxide.

An incomplete reaction is especially probable when it takes place quickly, as in an automobile engine; for this reason, automobile-exhaust gases contain harmful quantities of carbon monoxide, sometimes several percent, although antipollution devices are intended to keep the level below 1 percent. As little as 1/1000 of 1 percent of carbon monoxide in air may produce symptoms of poisoning and as little as a fraction of 1 percent may prove fatal in less than 30 min. Carbon monoxide is a major component of air pollution in urban areas. In addition to being present in automobile exhaust, carbon monoxide also occurs in cigarette smoke.

Because it is odorless, carbon monoxide is an insidious poison. It produces only mild symptoms of headache, nausea, or fatigue, followed by unconsciousness. An automobile engine running in a closed garage can make the air noxious within a few minutes; a leaking furnace flue may fill a house with unsuspected poison. Fuel gas, which may contain as much as 50 percent carbon monoxide, often has small quantities of unpleasant-smelling sulfur compounds purposely added to make leaks noticeable.

Carbon monoxide is an important industrial fuel because it contains more than two-thirds of the heating value of the carbon from which it was formed. It is a constituent of water gas, producer gas, blast furnace gas, and coal gas. In smelting iron ore carbon monoxide formed from coke used in the process acts as a reducing agent, that is, it removes oxygen from the ore. Carbon monoxide combines actively with chlorine to form carbonyl chloride, or phosgene, and it combines with hydrogen, when heated in the presence of a catalyst, to form methyl alcohol. The direct combination of carbon monoxide with certain metals, forming gaseous compounds, is used in refining those metals, particularly nickel.

About the Author

Dr.Badruddin Khan teaches Chemistry in the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.

(ArticlesBase SC #628347)

Article Source: - Novelty of Carbon Dioxide and Rascality of Carbon Monoxide

Ultimatum Media


Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

mercredi 11 août 2010

How Important Is Refrigerant Leak Detection?

By: Daniel Stouffer

Refrigerant leak detection in HVAC and RAC systems is a challenging task even for the most experienced service technicians as any leak can be very well hidden in a system component, tubing, or in a safety control switch.

With the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation documented in The U.S. Clean Air Act (Sections 608 & 609), refrigerant leak detection takes on great urgency. The intent of the regulation is to lower emissions of gases harmful to the environment. As such, the new government rules no longer give service technicians the option of adding refrigerant when the system is low due to a leak. Rather, the leak has to be found and fixed within a specified period of time.

There are numerous types of testing equipment that can be used in refrigerant leak detection, some of it automated and others acting as sniffers for on site testing. To find the leak, service technicians have to determine the best method to use. Methods include a soap solution, a halide torch, dye interception, isolation of a component from the system, or pressurizing the system with dry nitrogen gas.

All of these methods take time and money, which can turn into a very expensive service call. A less costly alternative for companies is utilizing refrigerant management software that pinpoints the origin of a leak by either tracking service events over time to establish trends or to implement an automated leak detection technology.

An electronic leak detector is one of the fastest methods used in refrigerant leak detection. Leaks of HCFCs and CFCs can be found using refrigerant leak detectors. Quick identification of a leak is important because the release of these gases is heavily regulated by the EPA, with companies subject to fines if their emissions are not fixed within a certain time frame.

Refrigerant gas management software is a valuable tool in refrigerant leak detection. Such systems will be able to provide companies important details on the performance of its heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) systems, monitor and detect refrigerant gas leaks, provide reports on refrigerant use, and accurately keep records on maintenance and repair.

Regulations on refrigerant leak detection describes and governs the proper repair of a leak and appropriate disposal of any refrigerant system which can't be repaired. These extensive requirements are in force in the United States, as well as several foreign countries. The treaties set forth a worldwide response to improving and protecting the planet.

Quick action of refrigerant leak detection is a great importance to the environment. Refrigerant gases are identified to cause damage to the ozone layer which have high global warming potential. To comply with environmental standards, many companies are investing in a refrigerant management program to monitor and track equipment usage.

Because of environmental and cost concerns related to refrigerant leak detection, many facilities with systems that use refrigerants are relying on refrigerant tracker applications. A refrigerant tracker monitors refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) systems and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems around the clock and instantly detects the location of any leaks. Various studies confirm that industrial and commercial facilities will be able to save money every year by using leak detection monitoring systems.

About the Author

Sustainability Resource Planning (SRP) software from Verisae helps to manage carbon emissions tracking and reporting requirements across global organizations. The SRP platform makes it easier to report carbon emissions and track refrigerant gases. Learn more at

(ArticlesBase SC #2039354)

Article Source: - How Important Is Refrigerant Leak Detection?

Ultimatum Media

Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

mardi 10 août 2010

Air Conditioning - A Career That Offers Plenty

By: Marcus Sen

Today’s world offers a gamut of career options. You can take your career towards several directions. While the choice is yours, make sure you choose the right track that suits your strengths. Amidst the flurry of career options, one of the hottest & most happening jobs in the world is in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration.

Like most other engineering disciplines, it takes a specific kind of college degree and job training in order to be able to work successfully in the industry. And for that you need to join an air conditioning training without any further delay.

In an air condition course, you get to learn about topics such as the purpose and function of refrigeration, the equipment, basic definitions and SI units, pressure, temperature, sensible, latent & enthalpy, heat transfer, heat load calculation & so on. An engineer in this field also has to be well versed with installation, maintenance, servicing and repair & should learn to work in varied environments like, industrial, residential and commercial. Air conditioning & refrigeration has a wide prospect & skilled workers are always in demand.

After you become a specialist in the field, you can enjoy great career options like air conditioning & refrigeration contractors, consultants, manufacturers of all types of equipment including air conditioning, refrigeration and humidity control products, compressors and components. The refrigeration industry, just like any other field is also evolving fast. So, if you want a career that pays well, challenges your brain, and requires you to learn something new all the time - consider the ever evolving science of refrigeration. There are several institutes providing specialised training to those who wish to pursue a career in this field.

The institute you choose must provide sound theoretical and practical training & must be recognised for its service. Institutes extending education alongside comprehensive training modules covering basic as well as advanced concepts and technologies are always to be preferred. Only a structured and well monitored training program can prepare skilled technicians for an ever-evolving industry that air conditioning and refrigeration is.

Hence, what makes one better than others is the training process. A good engineer is backed by proper training & sound knowledge. Join an air conditioning school that is capable of providing you the required knowledge.

About the Author

The article is contributed by a professional content writer, having experiences of working in different industries. For further information on air conditioning & refrigeration and air conditioning and refrigeration courses please visit

(ArticlesBase SC #1861109)

Article Source: - Air Conditioning - A Career That Offers Plenty

Ultimatum MediaPartager

Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

lundi 9 août 2010

7 Ways to Not Get Burned Out on Rock Climbing

By: Ryan Coisson

Do you find yourself getting burned out on rock climbing? Year after year I see all kinds of people join our climbing community and become completely addicted to rock climbing. It doesnt take long though for a lot of these climbers to get burned out.

It is kinda strange they become so psyched and all of a sudden you stop seeing them around the gym and at the crag.

Well have much contemplation and application I have finally figured out how to stay totally psyched on climbing without ever getting burned out.

First what is it that burns rock climbers out?

The two biggest reasons that climbers get burned out are a lack of variety in their climbing and the fact that they never take a break from rock climbing.

So now that we understand that let me give you the 7 ways to not get burned out on rock climbing.

1. Climb with rock climbers that are motivating you and that you have fun with. It is essential that those you climb with motivate you and make climbing fun for you. Nothing is worse than climbing with someone that is constantly complaining and killing your psyche. I also find that I like to climb with people that like to joke around a lot. It makes it a lot more fun for me.

2. Get out of the darn gym. I know gym is great you have the project in there but a lot of people become burned out because they are gym rats. Get your butt out of the gym, get out in nature and climb outside. I do not care how far from the crag you are I used to have to drive 6+ hours one way to go climbing outside. Trust me just do it.

3. Take a road trip. Getting out to new areas can not only be motivating but a great time to meet new climbers from all over. One of the best things about road trips is the experience. When I lived in Florida road trips are what kept me sane as a climber. Oh and by the way you do not need to go to a different area every time but I recommend mixing it up.

4. Try different styles of climbing. A lot of the climbers that I see who are not psyched on climbing anymore were just boulderers or sport climbers. Mix up the styles of climbing try trad climbing, go bouldering, or go clip some bolts on a few sport routes. Whatever you do mix things up that way when you are not to psyched on bouldering you can just go trad climbing. Or if you need a change from trad climbing go sport climbing. I promise this will help a ton and that is why I do everything from bouldering, trad, sport, soloing, rope jumping and even buildering. It always gives me something to stay psyched on.

5. Take a break from climbing. I honestly think it is a really good idea to take at least 2-4 weeks of from climbing every year. Just take a break and do something else. This gives you a chance to refresh your mind and rejuvenate your body. I like to keep my body in shape by still working out 3 days a week and running 2-3 days a week as well, but stop climbing.

6. Keep yourself motivated by setting goals for yourself. Find routes or boulder problems that inspire you and that you want to climb. Make sure the line and the movement inspires you as you will most likely be on it a lot and if you are not inspired you will not enjoy yourself. Having these goals give you great motivation and an awesome sense of accomplishment that can’t be put in words.

7. Finally just have fun with your rock climbing. Rock climbing is meant to be fun dont be all serious about it. Remember why you climb and stay with that.
So the next time you start to feel like you’re getting burned out on rock climbing put any of these 7 tips into practice and I promise you will get more motivated on climbing almost instantly.

About the Author

Ryan Coisson is the publisher of the Pull Harder Training Course, a free mini-course full of information for rock climbers of all skill levels. For your free subscription, drop by Rock Climbing For Life today.

(ArticlesBase SC #598282)

Article Source: - 7 Ways to Not Get Burned Out on Rock Climbing

Ultimatum MediaPartager

Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

mercredi 4 août 2010

La gestion intellectuelle des activités

Nous devons oublier les savantes stratégies de gestion du temps qui consistent à essayer de faire entrer la mer dans un dés à coudre. La gestion efficace du temps passe par la combinaison des activités selon leurs exigences en termes de processus intellectuels.

Devenez plus savants en découvrant une méthode facile et simple pour obtenir plus de résultats en moins de temps.

Marlène Bilodeau
Consultante en gestion des ressources humaines et en développement

Ultimatum MediaPartager

Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.

lundi 2 août 2010

Découvrir nos sources de stress et les protéger

Connaissez-vous vos boutons rouges et saviez-vous qu'ils sont directement branchés à l'amygdale. Elle est la sentinelle qui prend le contrôle lorsque vous le perdez. Ce qui vous stress la stimule et lorsqu'elle est en charge, vous pouvez vous retrouvez à un endroit où vous n'avez jamais voulu aller, y rester plus longtemps que ce que vous souhaitiez et payer un prix très élevé. La santé et la réussite passe par la protection des boutons rouges que nous avons tous.

Marlène Bilodeau
Consultante en gestion des ressources humaines et en développement

Ultimatum MediaPartager

Shanny Fournier

Ultimatum Media inc.