mardi 15 juin 2010

The EPA Drafts Legislation To Track and Report Carbon (CO2) Emissions

By: Daniel Stouffer

Mandatory carbon (CO2) emissions reporting is more important than ever as the United States works with facilities to reduce substances known to adversely affect air quality, the climate, and lead to global warming. Most of the known matter that is destroying the earth's ozone layer and contributing to global warming is derived from manmade compounds and chemicals with high global warming potential (GWP) and commonly known as greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Around the country a comprehensive initiative, which includes mandatory carbon emissions reporting has been introduced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the intention of controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) that have an effect on global climate change. Unfortunately, some substances like refrigerant gases not only have high global warming potential but they also destroy the ozone layer when emitted into the atmosphere.

The U.S. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), working in cooperation with many international governments, reiterate a common message related to the dangers of carbon emissions. CO2 and its unrestricted use will only lead to more environmental damage therefor more regulations will continue to limit carbon emissions in the future. A measuring, managing, and mitigating greenhouse gas emission places the foundation for future carbon emissions trading schemes within the United States. The European Union has worked on carbon emissions reductions as part of The Kyoto Protocol for a number of years. At a meeting planned in late 2009, global leaders in the fight against climate change will rework and redefine the next set of rules to follow The Kyoto Protocol. The U.S. under leadership form President Obama plan to be active participants.

As part of the draft greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations, any organization that uses refrigerant gases or other regulated substances would be required to comply with mandatory carbon emissions reporting. In addition to refrigerant gases, the following 6 chemical compounds all factor into a comprehensive carbon accounting. The Kyoto Protocol establishes legally binding commitments for the reduction of four greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), and two groups of refrigerant gases; CFCs and PFCs.)

Refrigerant gases are known to affect the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Numerous gases are listed in the EPA regulations including nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrogen trifluoride, and ethers. Refrigerant gases, such as hydrofluorocarbons (CFCs), must be managed, tracked, and reported under the existing Montreal Protocol. There is some cross-over between the different regulations that restrict harmful emissions. The good news is any CO2 related tracking will further enhance emissions management practices already in place across an organization.

The EPA's mandatory carbon emissions reporting plan comes into effect in 2010. Companies must file a first report in 2011 covering the previous year. These requirements cover those facilities with HVAC systems, refrigeration and AC systems, companies that make industrial chemicals, as well as fossil fuels, engines and automobiles. Many industrial chemicals harm the environment by destroying the ozone layer or enhance global warming. The following chemicals, such as refrigerant gases, lead to harmful effects on the environment: chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, halons, methyl chloroform, chlorine, fluorine, bromine and carbon tetrachloride amongst others.

The U.S. Clean Air Act, in addition to the mandatory emissions reporting by amounts, calls for the facilities and municipalities alike to monitor and track and subsequently report harmful substances, such as refrigerant gases that are in common use. Organizations that either cannot comply or choose to not follow the environmental regulations will be fined by the EPA. On top of regulatory fines, companies may experience a financial loss when they are required to buy carbon credits to meet the cap requirements.

Organizations can comply with CO2 emissions management regulations and reporting in a couple of ways. Monitoring and tracking can be handled manually and the reports completed by hand. However this approach can be very time-consuming and error-prone, and many will opt to use a software program or a web-based application to automatically handle the monitoring and tracking requirements of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Automation helps to ensure that reports are accurate and timely. Service automation or CMMS systems can lead the way to effective company operations. It is more efficient to maintain assets at optimal working conditions and collect relevant carbon related emissions data across distributed enterprises or systems.

Mandatory carbon emissions reporting will definitely lower this country's greenhouse gas emissions. The government has said that 13,000 facilities are responsible for between 85 and 90% of the harmful substances in the air.

The United States, through the implementation of a mandatory carbon emissions reporting program, ensure that businesses will reduce their carbon footprint and will help to mitigate adverse climate changes in the years ahead. This initiative is being repeated at various locations worldwide with the aim of addressing climate change head on - in as straightforward of a manner with immediate financial incentives to drive rapid and economy wide adoption of carbon reduction and market-based trading.

About the Author

To learn more effective refrigerant management tactics and the tools that support them, you can contact Daniel Stouffer, the Product Manager for Refrigerant Tracker. This web-based software makes it easy to monitor, manage, and report refrigerant gas usage. Stay in compliance with refrigerant management regulations. Visit Verisae's

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Article Source: - The EPA Drafts Legislation To Track and Report Carbon (CO2) Emissions

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